Creamcheese & Figs Cake


SMEDS International – LACTALiS Group

Creamcheese & Figs Cake

Creamcheese & Figs Cake

Ratings: 5/5

Products Used


For the cake:

  • 180 gr. President Butter
  • 180 gr. of sugar
  • 180 gr. of flour
  • 2 eggs
  • ½ tsp of vanilla extract

For the filling:

  • 140 gr. of dried figs
  • 3 gr. of fine anise
  • 3 gr. of roasted sesame
  • 80 gr. of cheese cream President

Cream cheese sauce:

  • 80 gr. of cream cheese President
  • 70 ml. of UHT cream President 35% fat
  • 30 ml. of honey
  • 30 gr. of dried figs
  • Sprinkle sesame


  • Preheat oven to 180 degrees.
  • Beat the eggs well until bubbles form and double the size. Then put the sugar slowly while beating constantly. Add the melted President’s butter and beat again, then add the flour gently.
  • Keep whisking until you get a smooth mixture.
  • With a brush, put a little butter and grease the cake tray.
  • Put half of the cake mixture in the tray, then put cream cheese President, dried figs, toasted sesame, and sprinkle fine anise.
  • Add the other half of the cake mixture.
  • Put it in the oven for about 25 to 30 minutes or until the cake is dry from inside.
  • Meanwhile, mix the sauce’s ingredients well.
  • Once the cake is cold, slice it and spread the cream cheese sauce over it.

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